Thursday, April 30, 2009

David Plouffe, Barack Obama, and Mitch Stewart... And Ms. Coulter

I hate to say it, but I think Obama is in danger of being known as the Spam President.

Also, Coulter strikes again (from her recent book):

"We also have a term for the youngsters involved: 'the children of divorce,' or as I call them, 'future strippers.'"

"In a related phenomenon, various half-black celebrities insist on representing themselves simply as "black" - the better to race-bait their way to success. Actress Halle Berry, singer Alicia Keys, and matinee idol Barack Obama were all abandoned by their black fathers and raised by their white mothers. But instead of seeing themselves as half-white, they prefer to see the glass as half-black. They all choose to identify with the fathers who ditched them, while insulting the women who struggled to raise them."

She really needs to stop this foolishness. It is not just low-class and racist/classist - it is also wrong and stupid. The amazing thing is, people buy her books. Who are these people? Most Republicans I know are too smart or sensible to listen to Coulter's rubbish. Or so I hope. Who, then, is left to pay their hard earned money to listen to her toxic brain dumpings?

And governing philosophy aside, what does Ann Coulter hope to accomplish with her "work?" The only possible answer: Nothing. She's just after the $$$. And that's pathetic.

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